
Archive for April 8th, 2014

Good News Reflection
Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent
April 8, 2014

Today’s Readings:
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21
John 8:21-30
When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I am. (John 8:28)

Gazing at the Crucified Christ

Gazing at the cross, we also see a God who became man because he loves us. We see Jesus looking at each of us with great tenderness and compassion. We hear him promising forgiveness and eternal life to anyone who turns to him in repentance. We see a Messiah who loves us unconditionally, who loves us enough to endure and conquer not only our sins but death itself.

Spend some time in front of a crucifix today, either at home or in church. Don’t worry about whether you have anything to say to Jesus. Just kneel there, and gaze at him in wonder and gratitude. Have the courage to look at whatever he reveals about yourself, but don’t stop there. Keep on gazing until you feel his love overpowering your sin and bringing you into the presence of Jesus, your brother and Redeemer.

Visions of Love
By Mary Lorelei Vicedo Aquino

Tears started to flow down my cheeks
As I meditate on Jesus Christ’s sufferings and crucifixion
As each thorn touches the skin from his head
His Holy Blood drops to every inch of His face

He was tortured, scorned, it was a devastating scene at the Pillar
In His eyes you could see the tremendous pain and weakness
I can even barely see the beauty of His face and even His smile
It was all blood dripping from all the wounds he got from scourging
Watching him carrying the cross in a narrow and uneven road

In his exhausted shoulder he was gallantly carrying a heavy cross
Weak and restless He can barely walk
He fell so many times, I can’t carry the cross for him
He was stripped of His clothes, it uncovered the numberless wounds

It displayed the agonizing and excruciating image of His blessed wounds
He was hungry, He was thirsty and I didn’t do anything
I was just watching, looking at Him and He is doing it for me
Blood in his hands and feet, after they put the nail through

Hung on the cross, He cried “Father, Father why have you forsaken me?”
It was severe pains to his very core, but he humbly accepts it
He said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit!”
My Jesus, forgive me for my sins, I was one of those who gave you this

Every time I said yes to hatred and anguish,
It was me pushing the thorns deeper into your head
Every time I refused to do your will and follow your word
It was me pushing you while you were carrying the heavy cross

Forgive me Jesus; I am sorry for repeatedly doing this to you.
I looked up to you and there you were, smiling with tears in your face
Your forgiveness is everywhere; your love for me was abundantly spread
As I felt the drop of Your blood onto my forehead

Almighty God, I worship and thank You
Please remember me and let me enter in your Heavenly Home
Let me live this life with great gratitude for my salvation
Let me live day by day with you as my inspiration. Amen.

Prayer of the Soul

Our crucified Lord, thank you for loving us enough to be lifted up on the cross. Jesus, we feel so ashamed of all sins that have hurt you and crucified you to the cross. Father, our God thank you for love you have for us. We offer everyone we are praying for, those who pray with us and each and one of your creation. Father, we ask for your mercy and forgiveness for all our selfish ways. Lead us to the life worthy of your grace and guidance. Heal us our God, let us walk with pride in our hearts that we are your servants our King. All we do, say and think all for your glory. Father, we beg you to let your will be done upon us all. We beg you to heal our hearts and let us see the beauty of your life’s mission for all of us. We are unworthy our God. Let it be your grace that will renew our lives now and forever. Through the intercession of the angels and saints. We beg you our God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

How can we not see the blood shed for us? Let us walk with Jesus in our lives. Blessings and guidance be with us in our journey to see Him in paradise

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